Did you have a doula for the birth of your child?

Thursday, January 10, 2013

I love this guide created by yourdoulabag.com


The Dos and Don't of What to Say in Labor

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Week 2 and New Year's Resolutions

Well, starting something new during Christmas is not the best plan, so I really didn't tackle anything on my list.  So, this week, I will do what I planned last week :-)

To-Do List
1.  Contact Sweet Beginnings in Littleton about fee to be listed on their website and in referral binder

2.  Sort through doula e-mails in my inbox.  (I save e-mail that have interesting info for doulas, but then never go back and look at them.  That will change this week :-)

 Resolutions for 2013
1.   Have 3 clients
2.  Blog weekly
3.  Read five new books on Labor and Delivery and/or Doula practice
4.  Build a comprehensive list of resources for the Denver Area

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!