Did you have a doula for the birth of your child?

Monday, December 24, 2012

Week 1

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Done List
1.  Posted Craigslist add

Congratulations on your pregnancy! 

You have made an excellent choice in finding a doula to be with you during this time.  Women who have doulas statistically have shorter labors, require less pain medication, have more success with breastfeeding, have better mother/child bonding, and report higher satisfaction rates regarding their births. 

I would love to be YOUR doula, so if you are interested please contact me so we can set up a time to meet.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Brittany Kearns, Certified Labor Doula (CLD), RN

To-Do List
1.  Contact Sweet Beginnings in Littleton about fee to be listed on their website and in referral binder

2.  Sort through doula e-mails in my inbox.  (I save e-mail that have interesting info for doulas, but then never go back and look at them.  That will change this week :-)

Monday, December 17, 2012

Birth Resources in the Denver Area

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you! 

Are you looking for birth resources in the Denver Area?
You've come to the right spot.  I am starting a compilation here on the blog.  If you have any recommendations for places or people I should add, please leave a note in the comments section.  Please note that I have not personally worked with all of the providers listed, however I am attempting to create a resource list. 

For Starters
Colorado Doulas Assocation http://www.coloradodoulas.com/
Many good resources including "What is a doula" and "Questions to ask your doula before hiring"
Birth Photography

 Childbirth Education

Sweet Beginnings http://www.oursweetbeginnings.com/
-Partners Yoga and Massage for Labor


Lactation Consultant/Support

Sweet Beginnings http://www.oursweetbeginnings.com/  - classes, support groups




Midwifery Group at Swedish http://midwivesatswedish.com/ - These are the midwives who I saw while recently pregnant.  They are phenomenal.

Mountain Midwifery http://www.mountainmidwifery.com/

Post Partum Doula

Sweet Beginnings http://www.oursweetbeginnings.com/

Starting from Scratch

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!

Hello again,
     Now that our baby girl is almost one year old, I am ready to truly start building my Labor Doula Business.  Thus far, in my career as a doula, I have not lived any where long enough to establish myself as  Labor Doula.  Hopefully, we will be here in the Denver Area long enough.
     For now, my goals will be small as I get my feet wet.

Week of December 17, 2012
1.  Put an ad on Craigslist (I recognize that this is controversial, however, I have received many inquiries through this method in the past, enough to outweigh the spam that is).

Check in next week to see my craigslist add!

Til then,
Labor Doula

Saturday, September 22, 2012

My Birth Story, Part 3

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!   

  The clock struck twelve and I was sure my labor was going no where! After the exam, I settled into the bed for some fetal monitoring and the contractions continued to come, wave after wave.  I tried to stay on my side so the fetal monitor would not be disrupted but I kicked my feet and curled my toes, trying to manage the pain.  My midwife and her student rubbed my legs and massaged my feet and my wonderful husband held my hand even when I squeezed his fingers white.  (I suppose, he couldn't have let go, even if he wanted to).  Finally, the belts came off after what seemed like ages, but was most likely 20 minutes.  Contractions were every few minutes, lasting 45-90 seconds.
     I was surprised to find that I wanted to stay in the bed.  I curled myself up on the hospital bed, ate my ice chips and did not want to move.  Around one o'clock in the morning, my midwife suggested that I get up and use the toilet, since I had been in essentially the same position for about one hour.  Just walking to the restroom brought on more contractions.  I hated going to the bathroom, because out of privacy everyone let me go alone, but I did not want to labor alone.  I desperately wanted someone to hold my hand, but I was too embarrassed to ask.
     After two contractions while sitting on the toilet, I realized that I was not able to get up by myself so I called out for my sweet husband, who graciously got me to my feet and back to the bed.
     At this point, I noted some movement in the room as the nurses prepared the room for the coming of our baby.  I settled onto the bed on my hands and knees and warned everyone who was listening (or in close proximity to the room) that the baby was COMING!  I had distinctly felt our baby girl move through my pelvis, a sensation I can still recall months later.  I asked my midwife if I could continue to labor on my hands and knees and deliver in that position.  She said that I was fine where I was and I was extremely relieved.  I absolutely did not want to move.
    I felt the urge to push and the student midwife said, "Push nice and slow and stop when I ask you to."  I distinctly remember saying, "Talk loud!"  She didn't hear me and asked my husband to repeat what I had said.  She understood exactly what I needed, though, and spoke in a clear firm voice regarding when and how I should push.  I have a little bit of a phobia regarding student midwives as a result of my second birth, but this woman instantly put me at ease and made me feel safe and comfortable.
     I pushed several times and made good progress.  When our baby's head was delivered I was so relieved, then one shoulder then....I didn't understand, why was I having trouble, after the head and shoulder, I should feel a rush, the baby should just fly out....at this point, the midwife, said, "Brittany, you need to turn over,"(remember I was on my hands and knees). I had no idea how that would be physically possible, but by the grace of God, my midwives, the nurse, and my husband were able to flip me on to my back.  Then the midwife leaned on my abdomen and said, you need to push, HARD.  Thank God, Rebekah was born at 1:43am and I realized it had been a shoulder distocia.
    I immediately asked about any broken bones and was told that the was being examined.  Rebekah was taken to the newborn bed in my room and was put on oxygen and suctioned repeatedly as her lungs had not had enough time being squeezed through the birth canal to expel all the mucous and fluid that is there during pregnancy.  While Rebekah was being cared for, I delivered the placenta (my least favorite part of the birth process), and was started on a pitocin drip for excessive bleeding.  I was stunned to find out that I need not require any stitches thanks to the amazing coaching of the midwives.  Unfortunately, the bleeding continued to be concerning and I was given a shot of methergen to help my uterus contract.  This was very helpful and I was soon recovering nicely.
     My husband, went to be with Rebekah as the nurse who was taking care of her tried to bring her oxygen levels out the 80s (it should be above 93%).  As soon as he picked her up, she stopped crying and started breathing better.  It was amazing to see her recognize her daddy and be comforted by his presence.  After about thirty minutes, Rebekah was breathing well on her own and I put her to my breast where she promptly latched on and started nursing.  Our beautiful baby girl had arrived and we became a family of five. 

Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Birth Story, Part 2

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!    

 In Case you missed My Birth Story Part I

    So, there I was, on my hands and knees in our cool dark bedroom, thinking that it was too early to go to the hospital.  Thankfully, my husband started packing the car and encouraging me down the stairs.  So, with contractions about five minutes apart, I hugged our two sons and my mom and headed off to the hospital.  I had a few contractions on the way, which was particularly uncomfortable, due to being trapped in the car, but we made it to the hospital in about fifteen minutes.  As we sat in triage answering questions about where I worked an what my phone number was, I had one mild contraction and I was afraid that I had been right.  I wasn't really in labor, and now here I was, trapped at the hospital and my water had broken.  I was nervous about being pressured into using pitocin to speed up labor since I was already in the hospital!
     Finally, we were admitted up to the labor and delivery floor where I answered more questions, signed forms - all things NOT conducive to labor, and my progress was checked.  I was about four cm. dilated and 90% effaced.  After I was comfortable, my husband went to park the car and I requested a birth ball from the nurse.  As soon as everyone left, the contractions started coming back.  I was amazed at the difference in my labor, just minutes after I was alone.  When my husband returned to our room, even he was surprised to see the difference in my laboring.
     At this point, my husband, who is a Greek Orthodox Priest asked if I would like to receive communion.  He prepared the Holy Gifts, as my labor continued to intensify.  In the room, was a large leather easy chair which I would kneel in and then lean over the chair back.  So, I positioned myself in this chair as my husband started saying the communion prayers.  This was a very emotional time for me and I cried as I received communion.
    By this time, it was getting late, probably closer to 10 or 11pm.  My contractions were so strong that I was back on the floor (yes, the dirty hospital floor) and could not speak through them.  Our wonderful nurse called the midwife at this point so that she would be ready.  When Mary our midwife arrived about midnight, she wanted to check my progress.  The exam was extremely painful and I was so disappointed to find that I was still only 4cm dilated.  I felt that my labor had become so much more intense and was frustrated that my cervix had nothing to show for it. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Doula Package

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!

                                                                    THE DOULA PACKAGE

     Congratulations on embarking on this amazing transition in your life.   Thank you for getting in touch with me.  I would love to work with you during your pregnancy and the birth of your child! 
     You have made an excellent choice in finding a doula to be with you during this time.  Women who have a doula often have shorter labors, require less pain medication, have more success with breastfeeding, have better mother/child bonding, and report higher satisfaction rates regarding their births.
     I believe that when a woman is empowered by support, education, and preparation during her pregnancy, she is able to make the best decisions for herself and her child during labor.  As your doula, I will walk with you through the decision making process and support you through the transition of growing your family. 
    As your doula, I am hired by you, to support you – Therefore, I need to get to know you. I like to meet twice before your birth to construct a birth plan and talk about your birth expectations and concerns.  I am available to you 24/7 by phone and e-mail should you have any questions for example -  following doctor's appointments.  I will block out the 2 weeks prior to your due date and then be available to you until your baby is born.  I will be with you for you entire birth, meeting you at your home if you would like or at the hospital and staying with you for several hours post partum to assist with breastfeeding, mother/child bonding and to help you in the immediate recovery period.  I like to meet one or two weeks post partum to see how you are recovering, how breastfeeding is going, and make any referrals for a post partum doula or lactation consultant as needed. 

  If you have any other questions please don’t hesitate to contact me,

Brittany Kearns CLD, RN

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Birth Story, Part 1

Looking for a Labor Doula in the Denver Area?  Please call or e-mail to set up a free consultation.
(978) 424-7668 or britt71204@aol.com.  I look forward to hearing from you!    

 Our baby girl was born at the end of January, 2012 but we were expecting her all month long.  Contractions came sporadically during the early part of January and eventually became a regular fixture in the daily routine.  After one particularly emotionally trying day, I thought labor had started and spent the night in the bathtub trying to relax as my husband timed contractions.
     The night before she was born, contractions started and became regular, waking me up every hour or so.  That morning, I was so excited I couldn't sleep so I climbed out of bed and into the bath tub.   (My go to place for early labor).  Earlier that week my mom had flown in to help watch our two older sons, so as we both readied ourselves for church my contractions petered out.  As we were about to walk out the front door, I said, "Mom, wait a minute, I need to use the bathroom."
She said, "Is everything alright?"  
"I don't know," I replied.
As I stepped into the bathroom, my water broke (nothing major, just a small gush) and I decided I wasn't going to church that morning.  So, I sent my mom and boys off to Divine Liturgy and paced at home.  My mother deposited the children at the church and returned home to check on me.
    By this point, my contractions had stopped completely, but I was still leaking amniotic fluid.  So, I called my midwife. Of course, she told me to wait and see and call back around noon.  So, after church, my husband and I walked to the local starbucks and back trying to encourage our baby girl.  I had a few good contractions on our walk but nothing convincing.
     At noon I called our midwife and she said that if labor didn't start by 8am the next morning I should come to the hospital.  So, I waited, ate an enormous lunch and prayed that my contractions would start.  Around 4pm I was contracting every 20 minutes.  I took a nap until 6pm and woke up to contractions that had me rocking on my hands and knees.  My husband came to check on me and asked if we should go to the hospital.  I still wasn't convinced that labor had really started....

The story continues with My Birth Story Part 2